I discovered this author quite by accident, and it was Book Three of the Cincinnati Series. Well, I was hooked and foraged library’s audible for the rest of her work. I was in a Karen Rose bubble, and love her emphasis on family, consecutiveness, therapy. And even better, the story lines were entertaining, at times complex, and often surprising one in the end. I really saw such growth in her work from her first book to her last, as she rounded out the characters, and intensifying the plots. I was driven to write the Rose Books “Family Tree” just to keep track of everyone. But I hit a snag when her women narrators went to Men. I was appalled.( I actually had to find the hard copies to read the old fashion was as I could just not get behind the men chosen to narrator.) Please keep writing, but please find women to narrate your book!

I was so excited for the new series, and so disappointed by Joel Froomkin. He speaks so slow, I needed to increase the speed 1.25, which did raise his pitch a tad, so that I could get through the book. But I don’t want to just “get through” her books, I want to be enveloped in them.