It really should have been a no-brainer to pick up Dungeon Anarchist Cookbook but for some reason 🤔 I put it off… Prolly lack of credits and too many other books vying for my attention! But with the recent Audible book sale I jumped on the last 2 published books! Knowing that book 5 would be published soon, I really didn’t want to get too far behind! And boy, Ohhhh boy this book paid off with dividends, a great action-driven plot, and plenty of humor, making this one of my favorite reads this year! And who doesn’t love Princess Donut?!? I can’t say that I liked it better than the first two books, but at least it didn’t have any scary clowns! 😆
So get on the Dungeon Crawler train and let Jeff Hays nuanced voice take on the ride of your life!