Round 2) I could hardly wait to get my hands on the Soundbooth Theater Production with jeff Hays and Annie Ellicott. And when it was finally released I grabbed! And it proved to be everything, I that I knew it would be!!! So take it from me and go grab this awesome audio version with both hands!

I absodamnlutely love Anthony the human reborn as an ant. This book feels very much like a break between narratives, of the ending of book3 in which Garralosh a monster beyond all reckoning is killed and setting us up for what’s to come next. And OMG I loved it… There’s so much changing from the Church of Anthony 🐜 and that of the village, to the Legion and Morrelia relationships. Even Anthony relationships are changing, to the hive, and even meeting other human/hybrid beast’s. All the while fighting in order to level his pets.
Normally I would prolly complain that the book was only written to bridge this to the next series of events but it was done so beautifully by rinoZ and there’s so much action, it makes my heart go pitter-pat, so seriously you can’t go wrong by reading this book!
And now I’m just waiting to get my hands on the Soundbooth Theater Production and Jeff Hays narration! And of course the next new book featuring Anthony and his pets!!!

I love finding great quotes and again out of the plethora I picked out a couple:

“Their conflict is practically an enormous pile of shoelaces actively tying themselves into knots.”

[…I apologise.] For an ape so thickskulled that his head might have been condensed within the heart of a neutron star…

“Plenty more where that came from, you offensive rose of death!”

“[One we won’t attack, you abs for brains]”