Usually before I start an audiobook, I’ll read the book. In this case, I listened to the audiobook first so I had no idea what to expect during the story. OMGGGG!
Let me just say how much I absolutely loved each main character having their own voice, it made the story more visual than normal. Because I haven’t read the book yet, I will listen to the book again, just to catch things I probably missed the first go round.
Ok, ok, ok…My mouth is drooling over these men. Each one differs, yet complements the other perfectly, including Flora. I can honestly say, will never be able to get enough of Ms. Foss’s worlds. I’ve never been a fan of Fae stories, but now I’m having to reevaluate my thoughts on books about the Fae world.
The only thing I’m sad about is that this book ends on a cliffhanger. Honestly, the way Ms. Foss ended this book had me screeching! Which is the “proper” way to set up a truly amazing cliffhanger but Ugghhhh, I’m just not good with cliffhangers. Though I’ve picked the best time to start this series as the last book in the MFA releases soon, which means I can binge through the whole series and not have to wait!
I highly recommend giving this series a go, even if you’re on the fence about the Fae World, so worth it!