First off I want everyone to know that I was invited by the author to check out this book for free, but I’m not a politician, so this opinion is my own.
I’ve listened to 3 books by T.J. Payne and enjoyed all of them, this one was no different. The premise of the book has been done in some way, shape or form before, but it didn’t make this a less interesting listen at all. I enjoyed the limited character development in the short run time of the book and felt like I got to know a few of the main protagonists pretty well by the end of it.
There’s a whole lot of killing and gore in the book, so be aware of that before going in to this. Some of the scenes made me cringe and were truly horrifying, seriously. I’m not sure I’d actually want to meet T.J Payne and he’s definitely not going to be my first choice as a baby sitter.
The plot was fairly predictable with a little twist at the end that might result in a sequel/series/spin off maybe? If there are more books T.J., be sure to hit me up as I absolutely love having nightmares. If you like horror, are looking for a quick read/listen that will keep you entertained then I’d say this book is a fantastic choice. Don’t come here looking for Stephen King level descriptions and endless pages of gory details as you’ll just end up disappointed.