What is real?

I could, and perhaps should, leave the review there. I pre-ordered this book on Audible without knowing anything about it other than the name, the author, and the narrators. I have been a fan of the author and both narrators for a while, so I decided to gamble without even reading the description of the book. This book was not what I was expecting based on the title. I had assumed it would be a litrpg styled book, not a book that makes one question reality, philosophy, and religion. This book was entertaining and thought provoking. As long as you don’t mind religious discussion and you are open minded, you will enjoy this book. The narration was well done by both RC Bray and Jeffrey Kafer. I also enjoyed the fact that Jeremy Robinson did not go the way of the Lady and the Tiger for his ending. He gave us a real ending instead of leaving it up to the readers interpretation.