what if a person who is an idiot savant, can murder instead of playing a piano masterfully or be a genius at math, what if instead he is a genius at killing is the basis of this story.Now i can see how people who have loved ones that are special needs can become offensive to this material but if that’s the case why put yourself to read this novel, if you want some advice do what i do before purchasing a book check out reviews, gain a knowledge of the summarized plot.Iam a big bentley little fan and im pretty sure him using a special needs person as the vilian wasn’t intended to be offensive im pretty sure he was looking to do something out of the ordinary, i mean i can think of a handful of vilians in stories who have some sort of disability wether they were abused or in a wheel chair or scarred im sure its not meant to be offensive but just to add to the uniqueness of the character. Now with that being said this wasn’t as good as most of littles “THE” books but it’s something different, and as always David Stifles narration is on point.