The first book was great but it seems like the author had no idea what they wanted to do with their sequel. The characters are insane and for some reason really stupid.
Also stop saying Shit a Dick! to every inconvenience to Maka, I don’t know who told you that was a cool catch phrase because it’s fuckin annoying. Speaking about her and bringing up politics, how about we keep the SJW shit out.
You need to figure out what you want to do about your story instead of putting us on a side quest for the entire book and doing jack shit. I had to stop multiple times and read two different books to come back here to finish it. The amount of eye rolling and frustration on how a character acted was cringe and flat out stupid. Doesn’t help with all these no win scenarios that you keep on putting the characters in.
this is the second worst book I have ever read on Audible.