I enjoyed each of the 6 books in this series, and will be watching for more from this author (supposed to be another book from the same world coming this fall). From someone who spent years playing an MMORPG game, it’s clear the story was written with both love of and experience in that sort of gaming genre. Listening to the trials and tribulations of Oren the goblin totem, trying to survive in a game world with its own unique rules and style brought back a lot of old memories from when I played a game similar to NEO. If you’ve ever played Everquest, WoW, or any of the online games similar to those, or are interested in the (somewhat new?) genre of LitRPG novels, then I absolutely recommend this series. Even if you haven’t played any of those games, it’s still a fantastic story.

Kinda funny side note, in my online adventuring days, I used to spend sooo much time in goblin caves and villages, I could almost relate to some parts of this story. Makes me almost feel sorry for slaughtering millions of the little greenies.