Fight vs devil with Bo.. What role did Dust have? When asked before fight he just said “I be there”. And that was all he was.. Actually gave josie a soft landing before he just watch her attack. Doing nothing! “Big hill of nothingness”..

His main feature is to get away from the fight. So in the silo. He do crap except go through walls even we know he can manipulate earth good enough to bury a pile of bodies. In fight he saw / sees this and that. Did the author forget that the person he choose as wievpoint actually is the “hero”.


Even “final fight” he didn’t use any attack. I think last kill was the 3 dogs in silo. So after he knew how to kill her, he just look at people get killed. Then he leaves them and a happy reunion at end. (oh he lifted a guy the first time he got wings.. Then just kinda let me feel his open mouth and tongue out and drooling.
For a simmilar look (except this character is kinda smart) try Detective Downs (Norwegian movie)..

Also this “book” and part 2 overlap alot. Both might be an 8 hr book. End of 2 is so rushed that I will be surprised if not more 5 hrs parts with 2 hr content comes..