I’m going to start by addressing the narration. This was my first time listening to a book with multiple narrators. I’d thought it was going to be awkward, but it flowed seamlessly. The entire team was magnificent. I don’t even have the words to describe or explain how good it was. In the words of Dr. Ellie Arroway, “No words to describe it. Poetry! They should’ve sent a poet. So beautiful.”

Now, for the story. As a 40+ dude, I… probably was not the “target” audience for this book. It does seem akin more to a romance story, with some teasing of sexual encounters. There’s never really anything too explicit in the book. While I wouldn’t insult this book by calling it “fan fiction”, it feels like a story written by someone wanting to live out a fantasy of being with a hot demon guy.

But, do NOT let any of that deter you. The author has woven those elements into a wonderfully written story. Yes, there’s some elements where more elaboration on the author’s part could have helped. But this is counter balanced by the fact that each character genuinely feels unique. They each have their own personalities, and never waiver from them.

I can’t wait for the next book, and I’m for sure looking to get more of the author’s books.