Definitely one of the best books and by far the longest series that I’ve ever listened too!
To Kevin Pierce you have done another outstanding job with this probably being your greatest one ever. Kevin i can’t begin to tell you how many books there are out there that I would have loved to listen to but because you weren’t the narrator it left me not interested because no one and I mean no one else brings a story to life the way that your able too. That’s a true gift from God so please don’t take it for granted.
To Glen Tate , this is the first book or series of your that I’ve listened to and too be perfectly honest with you that is totally for too the fact that you chose Kevin Pierce to be your narrator , and what a winning choice that was to make. What an awsome story that you have put into making these series ! Wether people want to believe it or not these types of events are a very real possibility and for anyone who knows weedeat the word of God says about the end times and the things that will take place as well a knowing what the elite’s agendas are especially since they aren’t trying to hide their agenda anymore as they are putting it out there for everyone to know what’s coming. It will unfold just as God has said it would through his holy and righteous word.
I urge all that don’t know or have a personal relationship Christ Jesus then I plead with you to stop what you are doing and find quiet place and invite Jesus into your heart and all for his forgiveness for your sins. Then get a good reliable Bible like the holy Bible or a King James version would be a great version to have and read everyday as well as continually pray daily which will draw you into a closer relationship with God!

thanks again Mr Tate and Kevin Pierce for an awesome story to listen too!