SO we get a decent story of a vampire terrorizing west Hollywood, mutilating hot guys and making a mess for the local coroner. Now this coroner was what I was so annoyed by in this story, how she was always EATING, at first I related to her wanting sweets here and there and loving herself as a bigger woman, but the way she was at crime scenes having almost orgasms over food while there’s corpses and shit around got on my nerves…eventually in the story she stops constantly eating at crime scenes, which I think is illegal for contamination, and she does her freaking job. Anyways, there will be a plot twist of sorts, I wont ruin it, I didn’t even see it coming till the last second so that was fun.Honestly though I was wondering why a woman would be narrating this and It wasn’t that bad, though I dislike it when a story has like 50 characters and they have 1 narrator speaking for them all, kinda throws you off on who is who. Mainly its from the coroners point of view, then what seems like alot of filler it changes to another person thanfully…

So in short, Great story, drew on and on in the beginning, but after the twist it started to really build steam, stalled a few times but went back at it. If your wanting a comedy that will make you snort slightly or crack a smile, this is great for you. Something to listen to at the gym or when your running, I listened while I played MMO’s online farming materials haha.

I was provided this free review copy audiobook by the author or narrator.