Nothing in this book disappointed me. There were things I didn’t like, or thought was a shame to happened to the characters because it was sad and I was rooting for them all to be totally happy all the time. But, all of the drama and craziness that happens in the story happens for a reason. You can tell that the author is writing with a purpose, and cares about the characters in the world he has created. It’s wonderful.
So often magic can be used as a copout so that real conversations about consent, choice, love, long-term affection, and building a friendship or any other kind of relationship slowly over time don’t have to happen, because you know, magic. That’s not the case here.
Instead of saying that a werewolf’s mate is a Destiny thing and people have no choice, characters directly contradict that stereotype. A wolf may choose another to be there person, but it’s as their person, and that can portray itself in all kinds of ways whether it be: sibling, mentor, student, or lover.
The idea of family, and welcoming people into your closeness, and growing stronger because of that is so good. I love this book a lot, and hope that when I get a chance to read the others in the series they are as good.
Plus, the humor was funny and I laughed out loud more than I usually do when listening to books. The sex scenes were good, hot, and loving, which makes me really happy because sometimes authors fade to black because they are worried that an overly descriptive sex scene will ruin the philosophical or emotional appeal of their story. But, that’s not necessary, and all of the sexual innuendo and actual fucking that goes on is great.