Tom Abrahams’ series ‘The Traveler’ and ‘The Scourge’ had been sitting in my library for some time when I saw ‘I, Marcus’ release on audio, it inspired me to listen to all the other books associated with it–which I’ve spent the last couple of weeks doing.

Part of the fun of the post-apocalyptic genre, for me, is the over-the-top superhuman hero. Abrahams’ Marcus Battle is this and more. He is not infallible. He is flawed. Losing his family has made him maybe somewhat impetuous and probably not a little crazy. I love him, implausibilities and all.

This book switches the 3rd-person POV of the previous books to 1st-person diary writer. It’s also written as if a future historian is using it as a record of the long-passed Days of the Scourge. There are numerous wonderful fill-in-the-blank background scenes featuring Sylvia and Wesson. My favorite element of the book is a large plot involving the town of Rising Star. There is a substantial twist, that Abrahams unfolds, in which readers don’t understand the full impact until near the end. No spoilers, you’ll know it when it happens.

And, as an added bonus. Abrahams includes a few Easter Egg-type references to The Traveler and The Scourge. Those are a fun addition. Be sure to read those first so you can catch them too.

Well, as everyone who listens to post-apocalyptic fiction knows, Kevin Pierce is the preeminent narrator. I love his reading style. I have literally listened, back-to-back, to several books he’s narrated without growing tired of his performance.
