Protagonist who is the admiral flip flops and backtracks on decisions within seconds. Possible spoiler for those who like this……
He knows the Terran forces are hunting and they are possibly infiltrated by the slain race. The Terran forces magically find him after 10 years right after their main base conveniently gets destroyed by a freak storm. Within 5 minutes he decides to join the Terran and help them he tells him his only condition which they break within 30 seconds of him giving it. He than detects signs of the Sloan’s approaching him. The Terran’s tell him attack first and we’ll help you. He agrees.
The train of thought that any normal entity would have is hey these guys show up at the same time as the humans the humans are getting me to engage them they will come in and possibly are infiltrated by the Aliens… no thanks.
The protagonist who is suppose to be a former navy seal with vast banks of knowledge pre loaded.
Ok that sounds good …………. Not worth the time at least for me