I’m loving this series. The story has everything so far… until this book. Art goes from looking all O.P. to finding out he’s no where close. But now he and Sylvie are getting trained by the Asuras. All kinds of detail into his training. Getting you ready to see him get an awesome new weapon, and find out how his precious Sylvie’s training has gone (as he’s not seen her since he 1st arrived). Only to skip the ENTIRE wrap us of his and her time there!!! Did he get a new sword? Don’t know. What was his and Sylvie’s reunion like? Don’t know. It’s like at least an entire chapter is missing! How do you go from the 1st 4 books being so good that I have ZERO complaints about (Well… other than being to short. It makes sense that book 1 & 2 and 3 & 4 are now available as publisher packs). To suddenly just dropping the ball with leaving out a HUGE chunk of plot???

The Narration is excellent. You know who characters are simply by the voice. The only way it could be done better is if there was a different voice actor for each character. 5 stars all the way!

Still love the series. Hopefully leaving out huge chunks of plot will not become a pattern in the rest of the books. I had full confidence (after the 1st 4 books) that this series was going to be added to my personal favorites list. I’m a bit nervous going forward now.