There is a little note at the bottom of the synopsis about conservative themes. There is “conservative” and then there’s over the top evangelical. Author never misses an opportunity to preach – whether it’s about abortion (many times) or godless political heathens or pre-marital sex. Found myself several times yelling at the recording to give me a break! Starting each chapter with a bible quote… ok. Talking about prayers and being saved and equating the dreams to the bible… whatever. Ranting for minutes upon minutes repeatedly about the other? Naw… over the top and unnecessary.

I kept hoping that the book would go more into actual survival ideas. It had some. Enough to allow me to hope and make it into the 2nd book of the set. But there wasn’t enough, and the story wasn’t good enough to continue. The narrator was ok, but lacked southern accents and at least in the first book much distinction between characters that was occasionally hard to follow. But between the religious tones (not overtones but themes, tones, and storyline) and the lack of survival details (to me) made me rate this book low… and return it without finishing.