After discovering the LitRPG genre by reading “The Land” series I’ve started a slow, and often unrewarding, quest to find other good LitRPG writers who have an original take. Unfortunately, too many of the authors out there are like Blaise Corvin. Instead of developing characters they focus on poorly written character lust. The story was clearly written page by page without an actual outline or plan. The objection on women by LitRPG writers gets quite old. There are other ways to develop a romantic relationship between two characters then just having the male character(s) drool over T&A.

Jeff Hays is pretty much the voice of LitRPG. He’s the narrator on a number of series and generally his performance is solid. In general he does a great job with this material but the audio quality (maybe an audible issue) was subpar at parts. Specifically, the female voiced parts often sound like were recorded with a $2 microphone.

Unless I come across a free copy of future books in the series I’m done with Ludus. It is not particularly interesting, doesn’t bring much new to the table, and ends poorly. The last three hours came across as extremely rushed.