we’ll start off with the safe part. I like the book. I like the story. I recommend this series. I have Kindle unlimited so I am when time permits also following along with the e-book. You may ask yourself why and the answer is that there are putting up notations in the e-book version from the author where he explains some of the terminology or the cultural specific for lack of a better word sayings. I suppose you could call and folksy sayings but there are specific to Chinese culture. Hadassah Western audience we might not get all of them so the footnotes are helpful. now getting to this book specifically. The story starts out with a failure on the part of our hero but at least he’s got his friends and his girl. The war that is moving closer to his village has him concerned and so he strikes out to save Village and family. There’s more details but I don’t want to spoil anything. our hero who doesn’t want to be in the war inevitably finds himself in the war if only for a short period. He laments the waste and loss of life. I suspect that somewhere down the road he’ll end up as a s e c t Guardian. hijinks ensue and at the end the Village is saved the family’s okay and he’s come to realize that you really can’t be a peasant farmer and a cultivator. The one thing that I didn’t really like is that the end of this Arc comes to a conclusion under a bit of a shadow in my opinion. You got to stop and remember that he’s a young guy and he’s probably not had a serious relationship before but the journey does cost him his romantic relationship. that may not be relevant to you if you’re reading this review but for me I like some romance in the stories that I read. If you’re doing a sort of Slice of Life story than a my opinion romance should be a part of that. More so than violence although violence does make for good sci-fi and fantasy. the last thing I’ll say is that the narrator is doing a fantastic job. I look forward to many more of his performances as this series continues.