Narrator read at perfect speed and great cadence. That’s very important especially to this story, filled with bravery, integrity and heart, tested and directed by YHWH. In times of great uncertainty people need to step up to responsibility. Its why so many people are homesteading and learning time-tested ways to facilitate life. However, there is always someone selfish, unwilling to work, that has no problem stealing from those that do work, stealing not only profits, but also credit they have no right to lay claim to. Unfortunately its often those with no conscience just waiting for a chance to rule, and rule harshly. People unprepared will accept any strong leadership. Whoever is at the head of things, creates a trickle-down effect. That’s why men and women who love, serve and reverently fear YHWH are so needed. From root cause to hope-filled end, this 4book set shows the breaking and reforging of a world hit, by an EMP. Great read.