First off I know most people listen to this when doing something else so the often miss important details. Every choice the main character makes is not perfect if they were he would he would be getting out of everything situation practically unharmed. At the very beginning chapter 8 to chapter 9 arthur almost dies and is saved by something completely out of his control. And much farther into the story after the war is over and book 8 is about to start there are no correct choices he can make only choices that will either help him survive or die. Someone mention that there is no point to Arthur being reincarnated all of the stuff about reincarnation is being brought to a head in book 9 and 10 where Cecilia will either be killed or become Tessia once again. And I believe this person mentioned something about the fact Arthur doesn’t question his rebirth He does he even states it himself when he tells his parents he was reborn into their child’s body. And finally I remember something about a guy stating Arthur is grooming by saying all these 16 to 18 year olds are attractive. Arthur most definitely does not mean sexually attractive he just means they are good looking you can say someone is beautiful or handsome without it being sexual in nature or even attracted to them. And then the deal with Tessia they lived together for quite a bit and she is an elf so if they did get married they would both live for such stupidly long time the previous life would not matter. I have always loved this novel and listening to it as an audio book does not change it. I just feel when listening to a story you should be able to pay enough attention to know what is being said and the like.