Anyway, this was again a really good book that managed to build its long and world-spanning plot out of characterization. The MC and his anterage are exceedingly well covered, and this is still one of the best series for charecters I’ve seen.

There is some passing between charecters so that we, as the audience, arnt lost. As such there can be some confusion, but for me this was completely mitagated by the story and the way it presented everything, I was able to flow very well between charecters. This has been happening in each book but I didn’t think about it until just now when I almost wrote that it didn’t happen, it was so unnoticed.

These books are like popcorn. Their short and to the point (shorter for me because of the speed I listen) and they are really great going down. Every bite is a step towards addiction. I really recomend this series, and while I’m having fun backfilling with knowledge from Divine Dungeon I’d actualt recomend reading them simultaneously so that you get the prerequsitie stuff from DD while allowing the story here to happen before it’s effects on the other story.

If I do decide to take a break in the middle of Archives it will be after the next book, in the middle of the series conveniently the books I’m waiting on come out on audible late tommarow evening. We’ll see. If not, I’ll just have to step back and do them after I finish.