Let’s start with the good part, which is the narration.
As always, Sean Duregger does a fantastic job and manages to narrate through this book with dignity- kudos. Five stars for him.

The book itself is nothing other but violence porn in the style of Hostel and Saw. The author is a bit late to the party as those kind of horror flicks were popular 15 years ago, but better late than never, I guess.
However, that’s not the problem I have with this book. Some people enjoy violence porn, good for them.
I am a big horror fan, and I saw Hostel and admired the gory special effects, so such stuff can’t shock me. Not my cup of tea but whatever.

However, what I have a real problem with is the depiction of women in this book.
There’s nothing wrong with using vulgar language in literature as long as it’s used in character and in dialogue.
I have no problem with it if women are described using the C word, if it’s a character who does that.
But in this book, it’s not the character, it’s the author.
Not only doesn’t he miss out on any opportunity to show women in the most degrading ways (which can be excused with the story) but he describes female genitals with the C word and other body parts with similar degrading words. Horribly abused women who clearly are victims are described as Bs for no reason. Funny enough, when describing male genitalia, the author uses civilized descriptions.
Oh yeah, and the hero of the story masturbates watching porn where a woman is horribly abused. Awesome guy.

In the end, what do we learn from the story?
-kids, don’t be stupid. If you want to buy a gun, don’t go to the Dark Web, go to Walmart like everyone else.