I absolutely adore the vocaloid reference and anyone else who gets it, I love you as well! It made me giddy and forced me to smile like a overexcited child.

IMPORTANT : For those of you following along, Miss Fizzlesprocket endures extreme horrors and abuse. This book is not for the weak of heart or mind. It is even more dubious and violent then the last. The first half or more was really hard for me to get through even despite being accustomed to violence from the last two books, and you could probably say the same.

Potential Spoilers: The author makes us fall in love (not literally) with Miss Fizzlesprocket through the last book. She is kind hearted and a pure person. I ended up caring for her greatly and wished her the best, not wanting her to meet an ill end. I love her story and I just wanted to hold her. It tore my heart out trying to come to terms that she would likely either be eaten or worse.

The author does an impeccable job creating unique chracters, making sure you have some semblance of affection towards them, and the ultimately cutting them off or bombarding them with intense misery.

Things I would like to praise on are the interactions with Carl, which are always a pleasure. The constant change of name of the God of chaos as well as descriptions describing his actions. The speed and fluidity of Jeff Hays voice acting during these parts are admirable and enjoyable.

My favorite character is Fizzie and will always be so, from now until the end of time. Boxy is great and hilarious but Fizze is the only mildly relatable character in the entire series. I love her character arc like nothing else I have ever loved before.

Well… you have probably heard enough about my love for Fizzie. It’s up to you to understand why when you listen to this book. I hope you find it as enjoyable as I did.

TL;DR : This is my favorite book of my entire 30 days of complete listening time. Better than Life Reset. Better than Dungeon Born. Even better than The Land. This series is worth 3 times the price! I love Fizzie!