I spent an entire day listening to this, and the first 3-4 chapters I was nauseated by the descriptions and the initial world building.

And then it falls flat.

Nick and Jess’s relationship holds no water past their suicide, he’s on a one man mission to find her but his hero’s quest is almost always too “Gary Stu” as his flaws aren’t really maintained (forgiven a lot, or he just murders everyone) and every challenge seems to go over very easily for him, besides the first “pig-born” incident (that was still visceral). The Black Farm is conceptually so interesting at the beginning, but then it’s like licking a hamburger wrapper instead of eating the burger. We’re often just thrown into new locations and subplots because, when you die there, the shenanigans begin anew. What about the pig born hybrids, what about the cult, the farm house, the Pig’s Temple, the abandoned town, how did that guy make a gun, what about the Suicidal’s Guerilla warfare. Introduced, never really explained. Very So It Goes.

I had high hopes, mostly just some horror porn to take up some time.