“World-Tree Online,” the first book in E.A. Hooper’s World-Tree Trilogy, takes place in the year 2056 when the world’s most powerful AI system, ARKUS, is brought online. The story revolves around a highly advanced virtual reality game that traps millions of players following an update. Among them, one player discovers an exploit that could lead him to the top of the World-Tree, the central element of the game. This discovery sets off a series of events that blend the boundaries between the virtual and real worlds, challenging the players’ perceptions of both.

Listening to “World-Tree Online” on Audible was an enthralling experience. The concept of using AI-induced time-dilation to extend human lives is both captivating and thought-provoking, suggesting possibilities that feel increasingly plausible in today’s technological landscape. The story and character development are impressive, making the book engaging throughout. The narration by Justin Thomas James, Jeff Hays, and Laurie Catherine Winkel was excellent, enhancing the enjoyment of the story. The ending, featuring Lucas getting arrested for crimes against humanity, was unexpected and humorously executed, leaving a lasting impression. I really enjoyed every minute of the adventure and am looking forward to continuing the series.