- Would you consider the audio edition of Villains Rule to be better than the print version?
- Yes but that speaks to my lack of imagination more than the superiority of this medium.
- Who was your favorite character and why?
- Jackson Blackwell. The book is told from his point of view so if your answer is anyone other than Jackson expect to be miserable.
- Which scene was your favorite?
- Any time Jackson acted like a villain. Most villain books are antihero so each time Jackson did something evil I felt like I was getting away with something as a listener.
- If you could take any character from Villains Rule out to dinner, who would it be and why?
- Page. Thankfully she is almost nonexistent in the sequel.
- Any additional comments?
- I suggest previewing the book first. If the humor is to your taste it will be the best time you have all year. If not you really are going to hate it.
Review from Villains Rule →