Ilias is the baby of the group. He is the the one that Sophie has gotten close to. He is a mixture of her baby brother and her son. He starts to resent the fact that he is treated like the baby of the group because he is. He has gone through so much stuff in his life that it only makes sense that his mate is also going through a lot of stuff herself. Andrea start off by running over Ilias and that is their first encounter.

Over the course of the super, very short novella Andrea seems to always be in distress. She is the quintessential damsel in distress. She cannot protect or defend herself and that really annoys me. At least in Sophia’s book, Aris, she tries to get out of the victim mentality. However Andrea seems to relish in it and I don’t understand why. I understand that she is going through a lot however the way that she’s written seems as though she will always need saving.

In the long run Ilias probably needs that type of mate. Since she has been through so much having a mate that solely depends on him boosts and up his confidence however a heroine who is weak does not make for a good book. Maybe in later books she will become stronger but in this book there was just a lot of self-doubt, a lot of depression, a lot of crying, and a lot of self-deprecation in this book.

The fight scene with the Gold Dragon who is out to kill the halflings was super anti-climatic. I just don’t understand how quick and went by when the Gold Dragon was out to kill them. We don’t even know if he’s part of a bigger scheme because there was nothing more learned from the Gold Dragon and his death. That was super frustrating and annoying.