
This is an excellent book! If you like LitRPGs this is a NO-BRAINER. Buy the book and say thank you. The end. That said – there are some inconsistencies and some odd direction choices that the author obviously loves but doesn’t seem interesting to me at all. Its fine though – the writing is solid and the characters are interesting.

Light Spoilers from here on out –

There are some issues:

– House starts out WAY more articulate than she is when she first appears in the game. When she is talking to him about needing friends she is very human-like. When she appears in the game she is trash robot talk. BEEP BOOP dumb. Its so weird that the author put that in and didn’t catch it. Further – she NEVER grows. I figured when she started watching TV and Streams 24/7 to pick up cues she’d become way more human-like. Also – why can’t she just download a jargon or urban dictionary in .0000001 seconds and learn the more commonly used sentence structures? I don’t get that oversight at all. Its very jarring.

– House without combat really detracts from the story! She would be so fun to see advance and just murder. The MC folded on the deal to let Frank’s dad see her code. Seems to me that Ned held all of the cards there.

– The raid combats go on a bit long – and by a bit I mean… WAY too long.

Honestly – those are the main problems with the book but they aren’t so bad that I’d say skip – not even close. Its a solid read.