I wanted to like this book but… ugh. First though, the good: (1) Fascinating topic/genre. (2) Some decent advice baked into the story about preparedness. (3) Narrator did a great job! and (4) The author writes well from a technical perspective. But the amount of Republican propaganda in here,.. Blah. i’m not even a Democrat; I’m a moderate independent, but this book has a LOT of the whiny ranting (and one sided, largely uniformed, mischaracterizations of the other side of issues) that you might hear on Fox News (or perhaps MSNBC for that matter). Snowflake partisanship, basically. The characterization of liberals in law school and in the practice of law, as one example, is very exaggerated and inaccurate. (Source: I’m a moderate lawyer who went to a law school like the one he describes.) I guess the propaganda is red meat bait for the target audience. Also, all the masculinity-obsessed talk of “manning up” “protecting your wife” “not being a sissy” “growing a pair” etc gave me secondhand embarrassed for the author. There’s nothing inherently masculine (or feminine) about being prepared, being strong, and wanting to protect those you love, but you wouldn’t know that from this book. Anyway, I really wanted to like this series more than the One Second After series, and the narrator is at least better, and the writing itself is better. But the content is somehow even more preachy and eyeroll worthy than the long political rants scattered throughout the One Second After series.