I enjoyed this book overall and I’m a big fan of authors that stay true their characters, but unfortunately this one doesn’t quite do that. The majority of the characters do, but Madison most definitely does not. One minute she’s resolute in her accepting the situation and what needs to be done (sometimes ugly things and sometimes selfish things) and the next minute she’s whining about needing to divert to save a stranger even though the odds of success aren’t good. She never manages to shake her ‘people are actually all good if you just get to know them’ and ‘we have to help people even if it means one of us might die’ notion. I understand people would definitely have an internal struggle with this, but her struggle is every chapter and just makes you wanna slap her.

If you get past that, like I said I enjoyed the book. It’s nothing new along the lines of post apocalyptic, but I think it is a pretty accurate account of what life would be like within weeks of an event. The narration is awesome, switching between the 3 family members with 3 different readers. I would definitely recommend this book.