This one is a keeper. I’ve archived because I know I’ll listen to it again. I only have one complaint….and I won’t ruin the story for those who haven’t read it yet. At the end of the book, in the epilogue section, the author gives a summary on the main characters and what became of them after the main plot (Fall of the Philippines). That part I enjoyed very much. However, I noticed that a main character was missing from the summary. It was a character sprinkled throughout the story. The reader is left with a “whatever happened to this person.” Upon doing my own research, I discovered that this was a fictional character the author created to make the story more interesting. NOT COOL. When I pick up a “non-fiction” book…I want NON-FICTION. I felt like a “bait and switch” occurred. Mind you, it was the only part fictionalized, and the story and environment is rich and vibrant….I still highly recommend the book. However, the fictionalizing of a character left me with a disappointment. In this day in age when “Truth” is hard to come by (vs the abhorrent “My Truth”)…in Non-Fiction, just stick with the facts. You really had a great true story, refrain from embellishment and half-truths.