this is very much a harem isekai light novel. It’s very good at being all those things. I was only disappointed by one thing at the very end. Which I won’t elaborate on because no spoilers.

The book was fun fast paced, and full of classic harem tropes. there is enough mystery to keep the plot interesting but not so much that you lose the shonen harem vibe.

There are a couple of explicit sex scenes but it never quite crosses the line to being outright hentai. The sex scenes are definitely written to be tantalizing and feed into the hetero male fantasy, but they don’t distract from the other goings on either. Overall I would say the author found a nice balance.

This is a pretty short book so there wasn’t a ton of character development but there was a noticeable amount, our main character has some moments of self reflection and seems to genuinely make attempts to improve his outlook and understanding.

The narrator did an excellent job, zero complaints. His pacing and accents were spot on and consistent.

i recieved a free review copy of this book, my review is voluntary and unbiased.