I received the audiobook in exchange for an honest review.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book. It reminds me of Jim Butcher’s Dresden Files series. Morgan Rook is a ….. bounty hunter a demons, I guess you’d say. He works for The Organization. He knows very little about his employers, but that doesn’t seem to bother him. His past is somewhat murky, having been adopted from an asylum.

Morgan, besides working for the Organization, is also searching for Elsbeth Winter, a woman who killed Willow, the love of Morgan’s wife. He gets caught up in a series of murders that the Organization doesn’t really want him to poke his nose into. This leads to him learning more about himself and about a mentor from his past, Tom.

The story was well writing, descriptive, and flowed easily. I enjoyed Shawn Compton’s voice narrating this. There were a few ups and downs with the recording, but those were minor and very few.

I’d be interested in reading/listening to more by Kit Hallows