I have read all four books in this series but decided to leave my review here so that if you are thinking of starting the series you have some idea what you are in for – no spoilers.

A couple of the other reviewers compared this to the Dresden Files but with zombies, and any mention of Dresden makes me look twice at a series because it’s been so long…. Well, this is nothing like the Dresden files with or without zombies so please don’t let those notions sway your choice. This is a very dark journey and it is not for the faint of heart. The author’s world building is interesting and the stories move along at a good pace. The ending of the 4th book comes along kind of suddenly but it is not unexpected. I am not sure how it could proceed from that point unless like the Hellequin series it does a spin off, or starts a completely new story line. It’s not my favorite series by any stretch of the imagination but it was an interesting story and I am not sorry I spent the credits.

The narration in the series is excellent. Jeff Hays has a wide range of voices and I liked the sound effects he did with the baddie’s. You could always tell who the characters were by the voices he used for them (even the girls).