story has very good potential but it’s like it’s written by a liberal millennial who went to great lengths to be supper politically correct and not offend anyone. dialog is super unrealistic and cringy at times. there’s no curse words at all and its very impersonal. characters will make a joke, then explain the joke, and then apologize for making a joke that might have offended the other person. every gun that comes up is nauseatingly described as being checked, not chambered, and a whole back ground in the person saying how much safety training and experience they have with guns. the son apparently has had extensive training and experience with a shotgun but when given one to protect the home, the mother makes this huge speech about how she knows he’s had training, experience, how to handle it, and when to use it, and making sure it’s put up and unloaded and out of reach until he needs it, which totally negates its use.. I’ve paid for it so I’m just trudging my way through.
Review from Weathering the Storm: The Complete Series →