This book made me angry. It is so so SO biased for Susan and her family. I believe that Josh murdered Susan and I believe all or part of his family knew about it in some form or another. I didn’t go into this expecting sympathy for Josh or their family (other than his sons) but this was just extremely biased. There was a lot of conjecture and things in this book that really seem to be just opinions. There are facts, yes, but it’s hard to tell what some of those facts are due to the writing.

I didn’t need entire pages/chapters dedicated to the Coxes’ theories on what might have happened to Susan. It doesn’t have a place if you’re trying to tell the “true” story. Yes, share some theories but give it a few lines, I don’t need the transcript of the whole conversation. Unnecessary padding and it’s not needed.

I’m just. Annoyed and angry at the authors. When I read a true crime book I want facts, not the endless speculation that’s going down here. Not to mention the endless harping on religion or lack thereof. There’s nothing to tell you what are the true facts and what is someone’s opinion. Maybe my problem is that this is too conversational. Overall I’m disappointed with the tone of this book. The story is tragic but I don’t feel it was given the best it could have been.