You couldn’t tell if Bob or Charlie were talking. Bad narrator. Terrible idea for a story terrible execution. Created tons of loose ends when there were already tons in play. Is this guys publisher not giving him enough time between books? There seems to be a lot of convenience writing going on. Like this is a bad situation but lucky it will all turnout good. With little to no struggle. Very predictable writing. Very over written. Idk who you have proof reading these but if they are wearing shimmer cloaks you don’t need to state that every few seconds. Using this review on both book 3 and 4. Because I have similar thoughts. I hope the best for you writer. But I will not continue reading any of your books. Got half way through your 4th. The added stupidity of all your characters that never see the solution and solve it quickly. It’s always drawn out and stupidly easy. Icing on the stupidity cake now you have “AI” tech that is also very dumb. Where a “teenager” figure out solutions to things that non of the other characters can solve. Then you start training her with magic. The romances seemed very forced. And not very chemically filled. Overall everything I listened to was bad. Will never recommend. Won’t try to finish your other books. And I honestly hope you kill off your main characters. That would give me some joy.
Review from Magic Man Charlie →