Admittedly, I’ve only listened to the first book in the series, but there are two things that are problematic for me.

1. I don’t like how the narrator reads this book. It just doesn’t sound/feel right. It’s like he’s overly dramatic and/or doesn’t have enough subtlety and nuance.

2. It is completely unrealistic to portray a mob of 6 Vermont marauders 24 to 48 hours into a crisis. I can’t imagine Mike Kraus, who seems to have a feel for New Englanders based on his other books that take place in Maine, doing the writing during this encounter. Vermonters keep to themselves and mind their own business in most instances. But when there’s a crisis, everyone takes care of their neighbor, near and far. The idea that the 6 men that showed up at the farm would be in desperate enough shape to break in and kill people because they heard there was food is ludicrous. Real Vermonters suspend their rugged individualism and pull together in an emergency, Vermonters deserve to portrayed as the mostly good folks they are.