Man, Phipps seems to love fantasy in all its forms, from the low brow, dudebro jokes in Supervillany, to the puns in Jane Doe, to the high brow, literary fantasy of the Wraith trilogy. Esoterrorism falls into the hardboiled detective with a sense of humor subcategory. Sort of like if Dresden had actually been an upstanding member of the council from the beginning, and without the polka. Well, sort of. It’s hard to compare. I can say I thoroughly enjoyed Esoterrotism. I liked the fast-paced action, the characters, and the narration. I’m glad he had Jeffrey Kafer narrate this series, even though he also narrated Supervilainy. It’s different enough that I didn’t have any trouble discerning between the two plots, which sometimes happens to me. Anyway, I would definitely recommend this to people who like lots of action, paranormal stuff, and secret organizations. Good stuff!