This is a terrifying story, but a few things about the story were just as unnerving for me as the horrors within. First and foremost, you quickly get the sense that the lady going through the experience is overly dramatic and reactionary. So whether she’s pinned to the ceiling of her room being assaulted by a demon, passing a stranger while walking down the street, or probably even when she goes to the bakery and finds out that they’re out of her favorite donut—”the bones in her body fill with chills”, or “every hair on her neck stands up”.. I seriously picture her freaking out like this all the time whether or not it’s paranormal at all. I picture it happening if her husband forgot to pick up the milk, or say an ant found its way into the kitchen. I’m doing my best to make light of it, when in reality I feel for anyone who’s overly sensitive like this as they probably can’t help it and would have a lot of work to do overcoming it.
The other much simpler reason I was so unnerved was the way she treated strangers. After putting herself in the public eye in every way possible to her, she immediately judged every person who took interest, unless they were famous of course.
With all that being said… The story itself truly is very frightening. I just wish I didn’t need to try so hard figuring out where she ended and what was happening began. Overall it’s still worth it as a book, is well written, and will keep your entertained whether or not you believe in the paranormal.