
The story is written by Franklin Horton who is the best known for his work in the post-apocalyptic fiction genre and his series The Borrowed World and Locker 9. The Author made a seamless transition into the thriller genre with Random Acts. In the story, the main character Amanda Castle a soon to be a high school senior has lost her mother and will be moving from Northern Virginia to North Carolina with her Birth Father Cole. Amanda has been gone for 5 years only seeing her father on summer vacations. Like all teens, she is constantly on all forms of social media posting non-stop. She can not understand her father’s irrational dislike of all forms of social media.

In Germany with use of stolen internet photos, two men begin to plan acts of terror. They find a weak-willed, emotionally damaged, socially isolated, young man whose only outlet is online gaming and lives in the United States. The plan requires a test run first in Germany to prove proof of concept. All while using stolen social media photos and creating fake social media profiles to entice willing dupes to assist in these ventures, Photos that just happen to be of Amanda Castle and other similar attractive young women.

Attention Holding

This story holds the listener’s attention from the beginning to the end. It goes to some really dark places and some emotional places as well. The author never fails to create well-developed characters that the reader or listener becomes emotionally invested in through the story. It was hard to not listen to this entire audiobook in one whole sitting.

Narration/Production Value

The narration by Kevin Pierce was excellent. Mr. Pierce is able to get the listener invested in the story and the characters and whatever situations the may be facing. He has this perfect voice for the narration of darn near any genre. The audience is along for the journey with characters and most loving every minute of it. The production quality of this audiobook is also topnotch. I heard no problems with it all. I recommend giving this title a listen if you are a fan of Kevin Pierce, Franklin Horton, Thrillers, or want to try something new.

I highly recommend getting this audiobook it is timely with its subject matter and a really great story that you will enjoy. I was given this free review copy audiobook at my request and have voluntarily left this review.