I’ll start by saying this is a terrible beginner fantasy novel. The author bounces around a lot, and perspectives intermingle in unique and interesting ways due to “twinborn.” I won’t specify exactly what twinborn is, due to that being a major plot point in all 3 novels, especially the first. I will also say in the dozens of fantasy authors I have read, none have been similar. Listening to the Twinborn Chronicles has truely been a unique experience.
The Awakening Collection forms its own trilogy with very clear conflict resolutions at the end. Obviously the series does not end, so don’t expect everything to be resolved. It focuses primarly on a war between two nations. However, due to various alliences and twinborn influence takes it beyond the cookie-cutter war.
Going back to my first point I downranked the story because of how difficult it is to keep track of everything going on. The author really does intermingle stories. While it keeps it interesting, I somtimes had no idea why something was happening. Pay attention and stay focused, and you should be fine.
Especially with getting 3 books for the price of 1 credit, I do plan on purchasing the next 3 books (or whatever the sequal collection is).