I didn’t have a clear idea what kind of book this was going to be, I read the publisher’s summary and thought it might be entertaining. And it was! For me this ‘haremLIT’ is a new genre, I hadn’t even heard of it before. But to everyone complaining about it in the reviews, they (and I) could have known because the author is very clear about himself writing this genre on his author’s page here on Audible. So no use complaining, just skip the book if it’s not your thing.

And I don’t agree with people putting it down as a 13-year old male fantasy. I liked it, and I’m a close to middle-aged woman, so there. Get over yourselves.

Good to know: the story is hardly sexual, except in the few chapters close to the end, and even then it’s very very decently done. No explicitness there at all, for all of you who worry about such things.

What I liked about this story, besides it being about superheroes and supervillains, is the very unique take on such a world. The MC is more villain than hero, yet it is so well written that you keep rooting for him. Also, it’s almost a basic course in management and leadership techniques simply by the way the characters and story are designed, which is also pretty well done.

Narration is fantastic! Great great great. I think I wouldn’t have laughed about Andrea as much if I had only read the story, instead of listened to this narrator.

All in all it’s only light entertainment, don’t expect high literature, but as such it’s well done. I found it fun and entertaining and have added the sequels to my wish list.
