I’m always amazed when readers give stories five stars. For me, in order for story to rate five stars, everything needs to be flawless: the mechanics, which include grammar, punctuation, as well as diction. In this story, the writer uses “floor“ and “ground“ interchangeably. Some might think I’m nitpicking, but there’s a reason we have words. If words can be used interchangeably, what’s the point? This writer also has issues with subjunctive end she doesn’t know when to use the subjunctive tense. Also, the writer has slips in the exposition where every once in a while sure use a very strange turn of phrase like “come inside.“ What?! Who tell somebody to come in a room by saying “come inside“? Very weird. Also the repetition from the first sentence that this guy is a monster. I am a monster. Did I miss a previous book? I think with some editing this could’ve been a better book, but it is current state, there are so many errors and issues that I couldn’t, in good conscience, read it higher. Perhaps those who gave it five stars don’t care about these details? I know a lot of people just read a book they don’t care about the mechanics, they don’t care about discrepancies they don’t care about errors all they’re reading for is the dialogue the plot and the sex scenes. If you are one of those, then you might enjoy the story, on the other hand, if you’re like me and you need a little bit higher quality pros, this book might not suit your needs. I noticed one of the other reviewer’s had an issue with this narrator. Hi, personally, like Joel Lesley. I recommend you listen to a sample and see if you think you might like his style. Thank you for reading hope this helps