I don’t normally write reviews, I don’t like influencing people off books they may love just because I didn’t like something. But this book series is bad, the only good things I have to say is the narrator, and the overall premise of the story, everything else is bad possibly terrible.
Firstly I get that a lot of these types of books give “10 points to all stats” just because the character is American, I get it I enjoy the badass American as much as the next.. but in this book it goes so far beyond that to just dumb levels, main protagonist has a couple weeks of martial arts training and suddenly he’s taking out squads of trained military personnel that have firearms with his bare hands. Has zero weapons experience but somehow is dropping everyone he shoots at.
The choices all the characters make are just dumb, from murdering people that sounded like could have been useful for no other reason than ego, to making insane tactical decisions that should get everyone killed. To using a bow or even a knife in a situation that they had easy access to a gun.
Every person in these books would be dead within the first week of the events in this story purely because they are idiots.