I read several reviews before listening to this, so I was prepared for the less “conventional”, shall we call it (?) storyline. Even so, there were parts of the story that were quite graphic, and I’m certainly no prude.
It was okay as books go. I had really hoped for more given all the positive reviews but it took me several weeks to finish, simply because it just never took hold. I had to force myself to listen and finish it, and when it seemed there could be some real tension and interest brought into the story, it quickly went right back on course.
As far as love stories go, I could’ve let this pass if Wavy was even in her early teens when she met Kellen. After all, there wasn’t a massive age difference, I think less than 10 years. But she was 8 years old—8!!! I’m sorry, but nothing about that is normal or beautiful. The progression of this could’ve been better explored in the story, but so too could the whole “dirty mouth” thing her mother put in her head and a bunch of other things just dropped in the readers lap with little to no explanation. It just seemed like a mash up of ideas that were thrown together and different for the sake of being different.