Our story starts off happy and then in an instant it comes to a halt and our emotions make a one-eighty. It shows how uncertain life can be. It also shows that sometimes things happen for a reason. Then there are those things that are kept secret or just something we don’t want to admit to.

If you’re trying to make a connection with Jovi, Ms. Puckett will help you with that. She was a pleasure to listen to. And for a time or two, I happened to have a talk with Jovi and River – good thing my neighbors weren’t around at the time. Then there were the times where she gave me a good chuckle. I don’t know that my reaction would have been the same if i was the one doing the reading.

One thing this story did was get me to think. Why wait for personal pain to hit before acting on a bucket list. It’s a way of pushing boundaries that we may not normally cross. It’s also a way of making new friends and just maybe someone who ends up more than that. It’s also a way of seeing places that, I’m sorry to say, that if it weren’t for that list we may never visit. In listening to this story I learned that maybe it’s better to do a list like this sooner than later.

What I appreciated from this author was she could have let the sadness and hurt overtake River and Jovi’s story. But she knew when to pull back and when we needed to have some of it let out. If it weren’t for that, I don’t think that River and Jovi would have had a story or the ending they deserved. But knowing in which way Jovi’s story was going I don’t really think you could call it an ending since her life seemed to be just beginning. If you’ve not read this author before this is certainly a good beginning into what her writing style is like. This may be her first audiobook but that won’t stop me from checking out her other work.

I voluntarily reviewed an Audiobook copy of this book.