Gia, Gia, Gia…
To watch you and your writing grow over the years has been an absolute delight, and I’m so proud to be on the journey with you. It’s such a pleasure to see you try out different styles, and different genres. From NA to YA, rocker books to pseudo mystery borderline erotica, and back to sweet romance with some big twists I’ve gobbled up every book with glee. Stay Awhile and Dr. Garrett and Megs certainly did not disappoint, even if you had me almost peeing my pants in anticipation or screaming out loud at your numerous twists and turns. Watching Laney bring everyone together as a family was so touching and beautiful but please tell me you have plans for more on this cast of characters?! I NEED more.

Sarah Puckett definitely did these characters justice, bringing them to glorious life in my imagination, giving them more nuances than when I had simply read them. I felt more emotion listening, and noticed different things as well. I look forward to listening to more of this amazing narrator.